Local radio advertising

Run Local Radio Ads Today

Better Audio Planning & Measurement Starts Here.

How we work

Hybrid Media has spent over 15 years with a singular focus on leveraging the power of radio to benefit our clients. With a 100% focus on radio advertising, we aren’t distracted by other marketing channels.

Delivering the results

We leverage the four platforms of radio – AM/FM, Satellite, Streaming and Podcasts – to deliver the results you define as “success.”

Local Radio Advertising Done Right

Advertise on Local Radio Stations

Local radio advertising focuses on delivering ROI by quickly capturing the attention of listeners and leading them to a call to action. At Hybrid Media, we purchase millions of dollars of low-cost media each week, resulting in significant savings for our clients. How much can you save?

Why Us?



As a result of the substantial amount of audio advertising we purchase, Hybrid’s clients benefit from some of the lowest direct response advertising rates in the industry.


Whether you’re targeting B2B or B2C, locally or nationally, direct response or branding, we can efficiently promote your product or service.


To maximize each campaign, Hybrid Media puts an emphasis on evaluating the details of every dollar spent.


From testing through roll-out, every audio channel is continually optimized for maximum ROI performance.


Hybrid Media’s vast historical rate and category performance database minimizes testing risk and cost.


Put our team’s 300+ years of marketing and media experience to work for you.

Discover How Local Radio Advertising Can Get You Higher Quality Leads – Faster Than Other Advertising Channels

Local Radio Audience

1 %
of Americans

listen to terrestrial (AM/FM) radio on a weekly basis. In fact, more Americans listen to the radio (293 million) than use Facebook (180 million).

1 %
of listeners
would try a brand or product endorsed by their favorite radio personality. Half of radio listeners have a favorite radio personality whom they have been listening to 8 years on average.
1 %
of listeners

believe radio ads are a fair trade for their listening time. Interestingly enough, the radio audience data shows that radio listeners accept more ads than TV and streaming consumers.

Why Run A Local Radio Campaign?

Running a local radio campaign allows your brand or message to be heard by listeners in a specific location. Contact us today to inquire about our radio ad network and how we can help you run local radio ads today.


Case Studies


Insurance Client X was launched with the goal of providing worker’s compensation legal services exclusively to small businesses.


Kane11 was launched with the goal of providing sock sizes for men and women that are the exact size of your feet via the direct to consumer marketplace.


We work with the following audio advertising services

Local Radio Advertising FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers about local radio ads

Radio advertising is typically priced by the number of listeners multiplied by the cost per thousand (CPM). While station and market affect the cost, radio advertising often falls between $200 and $5,000 per week.

Cost will be affected by length of advertisement, time, location, and station. For instance, a 60-second ad will cost more than a 30-second ad and an ad played late at night will cost less than an ad aired during rush hour. Additionally, an ad in a more populated market, like Chicago will cost more than an ad in rural Illinois and a more popular station will cost more due to the higher audience rate.

Ad Cost by Market

Like all markets, depending on the local market, prices vary depending on population and exposure, demand, production costs, etc.

While we can’t necessarily go into your specific radio station checklist, there are obvious station genres that we all encounter that typically attract similar audiences nationally. If you’re running a business, it’s likely that you already have your target market identified. This target market is your main factor in picking a radio station. Who is your customer? Where are they from? What is their age? What are their interests? What do they listen to?

Have a clear definition of who your consumer is and let Hybrid Media work with you to place your ad where your consumer will be listening. And more importantly, within your budget.

Local radio serves a particular area, as opposed to radio aimed at a national audience.

Polling has found that 59% of the population listens to local radio each week. Whether it be listening for a few minutes in the car or having the radio on all day, local radio still reaches a huge audience  and local radio ads can be highly effective for your business.

By running your ads on local radio, you can reach a local audience. Depending on your product or service, this may be your target audience. For instance, if you provide a local service like an auto shop, attorney, dentist, etc, you may only want to advertise to people in your area; local radio helps you reach them. Local radio also is typically less expensive than national radio or many other marketing channels, as it is reaching a small audience.

Besides just finding out who your local stations are and tuning in over the air, there are now apps that let you listen to local radio stations from around the country such as the TuneIn app.

In terms of a coverage area in which people can tune in to a local radio station, how large that coverage area is will depend on the equipment the radio station has, but is typically no more than 40-50 miles.

Local radio news is just what it sounds like, news read on your local radio station. This will typically be local news stories and interest pieces, not national or global news.

Absolutely! If you want to advertise to a local audience, local radio ads are a great option to reach them.

Local radio is important because many areas are too small to have their own dedicated tv networks or local news on tv, but most do have local radio. In such cases, local radio is sometimes the only way to hear local news, local sports scores, and learn about other things going on in a community. Areas often have their own dialects and customs too, and local radio reinforces the sense of belonging and community by having a media outlet catering specifically to each market.